Argumentative essay help
Academic Persuasive Essay Samples
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Digital Signatures
Mark is a significant part of any archive or understanding between two gatherings. Just transcribed marks are legitimate for authoritative records. The advanced world is as of now doing parcel of recommendations and understandings through PCs and web. So as to use in the online archives, technologists has built up another mark strategy called computerized signature. This paper analyzes the innovation, legitimacy and dependability of advanced marks Introduction Digital mark is an electronic mark which is utilized to distinguish the legitimacy of a document.With the assistance of computerized signature one can confirm that the message he got is unique and unaltered. It's not possible for anyone to dismiss the parenthood of a message in the event that it is marked carefully. Advanced mark is a procedure which includes an encryption and decoding of information. The individual who sends the message will scramble the message which can be unscramble just by the recipient. â€Å"A computeri zed mark is a â€Å"stamp†puts on the information which is one of a kind to someone, and is hard to forge.In expansion, the mark guarantees that any progressions made to the information that has been marked can't go undetected. †(David Youd) Digital marks 3 Digital mark †Technology â€Å"After making an archive, utilizing unique programming one can acquire a message hash (numerical rundown) of the message. At that point utilizing a private key acquired from an open private key position, the message is been hashed. This scrambled hash is the computerized mark of the message.The collector of the message makes a hash of the got message to guarantee the legitimacy of the message. He will at that point utilize the open key gave by the sender to decode the message hash. On the off chance that the hashes coordinated, at that point the got message is legitimate. †(Digital mark) Legality of Digital mark Many nations like, US, European Union, and Australia have end orsed computerized marks legitimately simply like other written by hand signature archives. The vast majority of the online business exercises are utilizing advanced marks to verify the documants.â€Å"Stimulated by the improvement of the American Bar Association Digital Signature Guidelines, electronic mark enactment started with the Utah Digital Signature Act, which was authorized in 1995 and concentrated exclusively on issues raised by cryptography-based computerized marks. Before long, enactment was presented in a few other states†(Thomas J. Smedinghoff and Ruth Hill Bro) Digital marks 4 Issues and worries of computerized marks Like the greater part of the other secure reports have endured by the interruption of programmers, advanced mark innovation is likewise under the consistent dangers from the e-frauds.â€Å"How do you check the genuine assent and authority of an individual identifying with these new electronically-marked exchanges, or realize that the electronic m ark wasn't taken from a PC by some inside or outside substance? †(Lauren Weinstein) Conclusion Digital marks are broadly utilized in internet business exercises. It is legitimately endorsed in numerous nations simply like the written by hand marks. Like the greater part of the other secure records in web, the computerized marks are additionally under danger from gatecrashers or programmers.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Eng 125 Week 1 Assignment
ENG/125 8/6/2012 A Poem Poetry isn't something that I would ordinarily be keen on. I’ve had a go at composing verse just to wind up a bleak disappointment. I’ve attempted to peruse verse just to wind up drilled part of the way through. I’ve consistently needed to be one of those profound graceful sorts who stroll around with a tranquil look on their appearances, snapping their fingers when something intrigues them however I’ve never fully made that progress. Verse, to me, is by all accounts a whimsical, ethereal interest that has by one way or another consistently passed me by regardless of how hard I’ve tried.Since I’ve flopped wretchedly at being an artist or in any event, getting a charge out of verse, you can envision my unexpected when I read â€Å"Dog’s Death†and appreciated it as well as it contacted my heart. A decent sonnet realizes how to get the reader’s consideration as well as will catch the reader’s feelings and take them on a thrill ride; regardless of whether it has a glad or a miserable closure the sonnet should keep the reader’s enthusiasm until the end. The sonnet â€Å"Dog’s Death†is a sonnet about a pooch that has become a piece of a family just to later be harmed and die in some horrible, nightmarish way from a liver laceration.The creator discusses how the canine figured out how to utilize the restroom by going potty on papers and afterward proceeds onward to being potty prepared. The creator discusses how the family plays with the pooch however the canine is discharging the entire time. The creator discusses how they at last observed that there was an issue and hurried the canine to the vet yet the pooch kicked the bucket in transit and, at long last, the creator discusses how the canine, in the most recent hours of her life, has the runs in the house yet has discovered a disposed of paper to go on so as not to soil the floor.The tone that the cr eator utilizes is a huge amount of thoughtfulness and trouble. One may anticipate that the creator should utilize a tone of criticalness as they surge the canine to the vet however the writer is recalling the occasion and the tone has been coated over with a misery that makes light of the desperation. The creator likewise utilizes a piercing illustration [Definition. (2005-2010)] when he says â€Å"As we prodded her with play, blood was filling her skin/and her heart was figuring out how to rests forever†.I can plainly picture the canine difficult her hardest to play with the family since she cherishes them so much yet realizing that something isn't right and presumably being in a ton of agony simultaneously. The devotion that the canine shows is awful thus pitiful yet elevating simultaneously. The formalist way to deal with evaluating writing is the most generally utilized structure [Clugston, R. W. (2010)]. In the formalist approach the peruser is solicited to investigate t he piece from writing to perceive what parts make the piece interesting.The formalist approach poses inquiries like â€Å"Was there an amazement? †â€Å"How were the characters depicted? †and â€Å"Why was the plot intriguing? †[Clugston, R. W. (2010)]. The formalist approach truly gets the peruser contemplating why they loved the piece, what part was their preferred part and which was their preferred character. The formalist approach can truly get to the core of a bit of writing. In â€Å"Dog’s Death†the creator utilizes the primary character (we accept the male leader of the family) to depict the dog’s starting just as the dog’s last minutes in life.The character’s weren’t around for long so they didn’t have a great deal of time to grow yet we realize that the pooch was steadfast and cherishing, the man was adoring and kind and the remainder of the family adored the canine definitely. The setting was paramou nt in light of the fact that you rapidly understand that there is a major issue with the pooch so the reader’s intrigue is immediately caught and is caught again toward the end when the principle character understands that the canine had one final mishap however utilized a disposed of paper so as to keep the floor clean.The stream of the sonnet adds to the intrigue in light of the fact that the meter of the sonnet makes the words move off of the tongue without stumbling over pointless syllables or confused words. The possibility of the sonnet is a basic story of a family and their canine and the conditions encompassing the dog’s death. In the event that the creator had put huge words with convoluted implications it would diminish the possibility of the sonnet. A â€Å"Dog’s Death†is a passionate sonnet that is very elegantly composed, streams normally and utilizes terms, tone and characters that all perusers can relate too.The sonnet, told in the main in dividual, is intriguing, fascinating, has highs and lows and leaves the peruser truly feeling the importance of the sonnet; and that is the thing that a sonnet is intended for. References Definition. (2005-2010). Recovered from http://www. poetryarchive. organization/poetryarchive/glossaryItem. do? letter=M&id=8079 Clugston, R. W. (2010). Excursion into writing. San Diego, Ca: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Before you Register for Classes Tools, Tips, and Resources
Before you Register for Classes Tools, Tips, and Resources For First Semester Freshmen, Registration Day can be tough. You can only pick 54 class units, while using the precious Pass/No Record grading policy wisely. Online Tools Luckily, MIT has some excellent online tools for academic planning. Here are some essentials: CourseRoad is a “four-year planner for the MIT community†from the awesome Danny B.-D. ‘15, who wrote about it here. This is the best tool to plan your academic path at MIT. CourseRoad helps you track your progress towards graduation by checking off completed GIR, REST, Lab, and HASS classes, as well as the requirements of your specific major(s) and minor(s). You can create a tentative schedule for four years, track prerequisites, see class descriptions, move courses around, and save different paths. Check it out! Subject Evaluation Reports: at the end of each semester, students rate completed classes on difficulty, pace, and other factors on a scale of 0 to 7. They also rate their professors and TAs. This tool is helpful for picking courses, recitation sessions, or checking when its best to take a certain class. Make sure to contribute to the reports at the end of each semester. Sometimes, a professor will bring muffins for the whole class if you do. Course Picker: here, you can log in to save and edit your schedule for the semester, and see it displayed nicely with times and locations of your classes. This tool is integrated with CourseRoad, Google Calendar, and Subject Evaluation Reports. A great way to see if any of your classes overlap and what your school days will look like. Click around for other cool features. Planner is similar to Course Picker, but with an option to add extracurricular activities. You can similarly export Planner schedules to Google Calendar. Try both Planner and Picker to see which layout and features you prefer. MIT Student Resources is an online treasure trove that will guide you through all facets of MIT life. I wish that Id used MIT Resources more my freshman year to learn about grading policies, majors and minors, requirements, cross-registration, finding internships, and so much more. ACADEX, MIT’s Center for Academic Excellence, is a helpful guide for time management, academic integrity, studying, and tutoring options. Note that there are upperclassmen tutors available for all GIRs. Lastly, Interrogation of Upperclassmen is the #1 way to get acclimated to the new environment, find a fun community or club, and get UROP and class advice. MIT is unique for its GIR requirement we’ve all been there. So question students on their class preferences, differences between 8.01 and 8.012 or 5.111 and 5.112, and professor teaching styles. During Orientation, professors in various departments will talk about GIR options and resources themselves. An event not to be missed. Adding, Dropping, and (Not) Failing If you feel overloaded in the beginning, remember that MIT’s Drop deadline is rather late into the semester. This year, it’s November 18. If you drop a class before this date, it will not show up on your transcript. Of course, as a first-semester freshman, you probably wont worry about dropping a class you may fail. You’re on Pass/No Record anyway! However, although a failing grade will not show up on your transcript during the first semester, the Committee on Academic Performance could still “CAP†your credit limit to 48-51 units. Same goes for subsequent semesters. Last day to Add or switch a class is October 9. Make sure you ask the instructor for permission to get into a new class. Note that certain courses, like workshops or oversubscribed offerings, will only accept you if you show up on the first day. Fifth Week Flags will notify you if you’re failing a certain class (something you may not realize on your own). Take advantage of the resources your professors and TAs offer after this announcement. Late Drop a class if absolutely necessary under the guidance of your Advisor and S^3 Dean. Here are the academic standards MIT expects you to meet. Note that some of these are recommended (like completing most Science Core subjects in your first year), and some are required to not be “CAP-ped†(like the communication requirement for the first two years). In the case of the PE requirement, you’ll need to create a Physical Education Plan if you dont complete the 8 required points by the end of your first two years. First Semester: Exploiting Pass/No Record and GIRs Don’t overload on required classes and GIRs during your first semester. Even though Pass/No Record time is precious, make sure you take some classes in your area(s) of interest and explore your options. Everything is presented differently in college. Don’t fear to plunge into the unknown. The purpose of the Pass/No Record period is not so much academic, but social. MIT wants you to establish a community with your peers and try new activities. So join an excessive number of clubs to find out how many you can actually handle. Waste time happily on a late night or early morning adventure with your friends and neighbors. Try unexpected and hard classes. Revel in the privilege of skipping that one pset at the end of the semester when you’re sure you’ll pass. However, don’t start by neglecting the required work. Pass/No Record can be a cleverly disguised trap. With great power comes great responsibility. Consider not taking 4 technical classes in your first semester to avoid burn-out. I made the mistake of trying to load up on “challenging†classes my fall semester to get as many GIRs as possible completed while on Pass/No Record. The plan failed, and within the first month, up until the Add date, my advisor heard from me multiple times. Each time, I shed another class or transferred to its lower-level version. If you’re unsure whether you want to take the accelerated or regular version of a GIR, start with the hardest option and move down. This will account for the differences in pace. For example, I started with 18.014 my first semester. Then switched to 18.022. And finally settled on 18.02, which I enjoyed greatly. Theres no shame in switching. Plus, you get to try different flavors of a subject. The same goes for the transitions between 8.012 and 8.01, 5.112 and 5.111, and others. As long as you transfer into the option most appropriate for you by the October 9 date, no harm will be done. Let your future professors know you’ll be joining their class late so they can assign any makeup work. Generally, you won’t have to make up much, since transitioning between GIR levels is fairly common. PE Requirement Sign up for a PE class in order to fulfill the 8-point General Institute Requirement by the end of sophomore year. MIT PE says this to the Class of 2019. Registration for PE is first come, first serve. Classes fill up quickly, so plan to wake up at the start of registration, at 8 am on September 2 for the 1st Quarter, in order to get into the desired one. This goes especially for courses required for the Pirate Certificate, which get filled within the first minute of open registration. If you get a spot in a class, attend the first session in order to keep it and receive credit. After that, you can miss at most 3 classes, 2 of which you’ll have to make up elsewhere. Take a swim class asap if you dont pass the swim test during Orientation. If you don’t get into your favorite PE option, don’t despair! There’s still a chance to get in if you come by all sections of the class on the first day. Sometimes, the lucky registered students don’t make it, and the waitlisted get their chance. Inquire about alternative options for getting PE points (such as a weekend-long hiking trip or others). Take a PE class with friends to enhance your experience. Your Support Network: Advisor, S^3 Dean, and Others Your Freshman Advisor is the best resource to talk about changing schedules and balancing academics and extracurriculars. This position is voluntary, so the professors who take it are truly excited to know you. They will support and advocate for you in hard times. Maintain a good relationship with your Freshman Advisor, and he will be a great resource for academic and life advice, as well as UROP opportunities. Here is a list of what your Advisor can do for you, and what you should do to help your Advisor. Your Assistant Advisor, an upperclassman, will be able to talk more about workload and budgeting time. Mine recommended holding a paying job for no more than 6-10 hours a week, which was wise advice. Student Support Services (S^3) is a great resource for hard times. Establish a relationship with one of the Deans early (it is absolutely acceptable to visit different ones before settling), and you will have a trusted advocate at your side. Ask upperclassmen about their favorite advocates and ways to make the best out of each S^3 visit. For mental and emotional support, MIT Mental Health has walk-in hours 2-4 pm on the 3rd floor of MIT Medical in E23. These services are free and confidential. And, as with S^3, you can feel free to visit several different clinicians to find one whose specialty best fits your needs. MIT Together is an excellent website with support resources for the MIT community. Here, you can find information for a concerned friend or get immediate help for yourself. Popular HASS Classes: How to (Maybe) Get In Some HASS classes at MIT are traditionally full. Many of these have a CI-H/CI-HW designation. As a freshman, you will need to complete your first CI-H/CI-HW course by the end of spring, so get on the waitlist early. Unfortunately, first-year students are usually pretty low on the HASS priority list. You don’t have a major or concentration declared. You have lots of time ahead to take classes. So if you want to get a spot in an oversubscribed class, reach out to the instructor via email. Ask about the way she admits students to the class and indicate a strong interest in the subject. Show up on the first day of class. If more than one session of the class is offered, attend all of them. Stay on the waitlist even if all seems lost. Even if you dont get in your first semester, the next time the class is offered, you will have higher priority if youve been on the waitlist. Examples of popular CI-H classes are Course 11 education courses required for the teacher licensure program, 11.124 and 11.125. This spring, 35 students remained on the waiting list for 11.125 after the first 25 got in. IAP Opportunities and Grading The Pass/No Record grading policy extends to IAP, when you can take both electives and required classes for certain majors (like 8.223 for Physics). Some GIRs (like 8.01L or 18.02A) run over into the month of January, so plan your IAP activities accordingly. The credit limit for IAP is 12 units. Check out listings from all departments for exciting IAP options (like this one from the Edgerton Center). This year, I stumbled upon a Course 20 (Biological Engineering) class that was actually about making educational videos (incidentally, blogger Ceri R. 16 was the TA for the class). Best decision of winter! If you don’t want to remain on campus for the chilly January, you can apply to travel through Four Weeks for America (U.S. only) or Global Teaching Labs (eight possible non-U.S. destinations), paid for by MIT. Many other opportunities for service and travel exist. Start planning for IAP early, since some deadlines come as early as October. Lastly, IAP is when DEX (Departmental Exploration) happens. And Charm School. *** Ready to start your CourseRoad at MIT? Head over to the Catalog. And enjoy your first semester!!!
Before you Register for Classes Tools, Tips, and Resources
Before you Register for Classes Tools, Tips, and Resources For First Semester Freshmen, Registration Day can be tough. You can only pick 54 class units, while using the precious Pass/No Record grading policy wisely. Online Tools Luckily, MIT has some excellent online tools for academic planning. Here are some essentials: CourseRoad is a “four-year planner for the MIT community†from the awesome Danny B.-D. ‘15, who wrote about it here. This is the best tool to plan your academic path at MIT. CourseRoad helps you track your progress towards graduation by checking off completed GIR, REST, Lab, and HASS classes, as well as the requirements of your specific major(s) and minor(s). You can create a tentative schedule for four years, track prerequisites, see class descriptions, move courses around, and save different paths. Check it out! Subject Evaluation Reports: at the end of each semester, students rate completed classes on difficulty, pace, and other factors on a scale of 0 to 7. They also rate their professors and TAs. This tool is helpful for picking courses, recitation sessions, or checking when its best to take a certain class. Make sure to contribute to the reports at the end of each semester. Sometimes, a professor will bring muffins for the whole class if you do. Course Picker: here, you can log in to save and edit your schedule for the semester, and see it displayed nicely with times and locations of your classes. This tool is integrated with CourseRoad, Google Calendar, and Subject Evaluation Reports. A great way to see if any of your classes overlap and what your school days will look like. Click around for other cool features. Planner is similar to Course Picker, but with an option to add extracurricular activities. You can similarly export Planner schedules to Google Calendar. Try both Planner and Picker to see which layout and features you prefer. MIT Student Resources is an online treasure trove that will guide you through all facets of MIT life. I wish that Id used MIT Resources more my freshman year to learn about grading policies, majors and minors, requirements, cross-registration, finding internships, and so much more. ACADEX, MIT’s Center for Academic Excellence, is a helpful guide for time management, academic integrity, studying, and tutoring options. Note that there are upperclassmen tutors available for all GIRs. Lastly, Interrogation of Upperclassmen is the #1 way to get acclimated to the new environment, find a fun community or club, and get UROP and class advice. MIT is unique for its GIR requirement we’ve all been there. So question students on their class preferences, differences between 8.01 and 8.012 or 5.111 and 5.112, and professor teaching styles. During Orientation, professors in various departments will talk about GIR options and resources themselves. An event not to be missed. Adding, Dropping, and (Not) Failing If you feel overloaded in the beginning, remember that MIT’s Drop deadline is rather late into the semester. This year, it’s November 18. If you drop a class before this date, it will not show up on your transcript. Of course, as a first-semester freshman, you probably wont worry about dropping a class you may fail. You’re on Pass/No Record anyway! However, although a failing grade will not show up on your transcript during the first semester, the Committee on Academic Performance could still “CAP†your credit limit to 48-51 units. Same goes for subsequent semesters. Last day to Add or switch a class is October 9. Make sure you ask the instructor for permission to get into a new class. Note that certain courses, like workshops or oversubscribed offerings, will only accept you if you show up on the first day. Fifth Week Flags will notify you if you’re failing a certain class (something you may not realize on your own). Take advantage of the resources your professors and TAs offer after this announcement. Late Drop a class if absolutely necessary under the guidance of your Advisor and S^3 Dean. Here are the academic standards MIT expects you to meet. Note that some of these are recommended (like completing most Science Core subjects in your first year), and some are required to not be “CAP-ped†(like the communication requirement for the first two years). In the case of the PE requirement, you’ll need to create a Physical Education Plan if you dont complete the 8 required points by the end of your first two years. First Semester: Exploiting Pass/No Record and GIRs Don’t overload on required classes and GIRs during your first semester. Even though Pass/No Record time is precious, make sure you take some classes in your area(s) of interest and explore your options. Everything is presented differently in college. Don’t fear to plunge into the unknown. The purpose of the Pass/No Record period is not so much academic, but social. MIT wants you to establish a community with your peers and try new activities. So join an excessive number of clubs to find out how many you can actually handle. Waste time happily on a late night or early morning adventure with your friends and neighbors. Try unexpected and hard classes. Revel in the privilege of skipping that one pset at the end of the semester when you’re sure you’ll pass. However, don’t start by neglecting the required work. Pass/No Record can be a cleverly disguised trap. With great power comes great responsibility. Consider not taking 4 technical classes in your first semester to avoid burn-out. I made the mistake of trying to load up on “challenging†classes my fall semester to get as many GIRs as possible completed while on Pass/No Record. The plan failed, and within the first month, up until the Add date, my advisor heard from me multiple times. Each time, I shed another class or transferred to its lower-level version. If you’re unsure whether you want to take the accelerated or regular version of a GIR, start with the hardest option and move down. This will account for the differences in pace. For example, I started with 18.014 my first semester. Then switched to 18.022. And finally settled on 18.02, which I enjoyed greatly. Theres no shame in switching. Plus, you get to try different flavors of a subject. The same goes for the transitions between 8.012 and 8.01, 5.112 and 5.111, and others. As long as you transfer into the option most appropriate for you by the October 9 date, no harm will be done. Let your future professors know you’ll be joining their class late so they can assign any makeup work. Generally, you won’t have to make up much, since transitioning between GIR levels is fairly common. PE Requirement Sign up for a PE class in order to fulfill the 8-point General Institute Requirement by the end of sophomore year. MIT PE says this to the Class of 2019. Registration for PE is first come, first serve. Classes fill up quickly, so plan to wake up at the start of registration, at 8 am on September 2 for the 1st Quarter, in order to get into the desired one. This goes especially for courses required for the Pirate Certificate, which get filled within the first minute of open registration. If you get a spot in a class, attend the first session in order to keep it and receive credit. After that, you can miss at most 3 classes, 2 of which you’ll have to make up elsewhere. Take a swim class asap if you dont pass the swim test during Orientation. If you don’t get into your favorite PE option, don’t despair! There’s still a chance to get in if you come by all sections of the class on the first day. Sometimes, the lucky registered students don’t make it, and the waitlisted get their chance. Inquire about alternative options for getting PE points (such as a weekend-long hiking trip or others). Take a PE class with friends to enhance your experience. Your Support Network: Advisor, S^3 Dean, and Others Your Freshman Advisor is the best resource to talk about changing schedules and balancing academics and extracurriculars. This position is voluntary, so the professors who take it are truly excited to know you. They will support and advocate for you in hard times. Maintain a good relationship with your Freshman Advisor, and he will be a great resource for academic and life advice, as well as UROP opportunities. Here is a list of what your Advisor can do for you, and what you should do to help your Advisor. Your Assistant Advisor, an upperclassman, will be able to talk more about workload and budgeting time. Mine recommended holding a paying job for no more than 6-10 hours a week, which was wise advice. Student Support Services (S^3) is a great resource for hard times. Establish a relationship with one of the Deans early (it is absolutely acceptable to visit different ones before settling), and you will have a trusted advocate at your side. Ask upperclassmen about their favorite advocates and ways to make the best out of each S^3 visit. For mental and emotional support, MIT Mental Health has walk-in hours 2-4 pm on the 3rd floor of MIT Medical in E23. These services are free and confidential. And, as with S^3, you can feel free to visit several different clinicians to find one whose specialty best fits your needs. MIT Together is an excellent website with support resources for the MIT community. Here, you can find information for a concerned friend or get immediate help for yourself. Popular HASS Classes: How to (Maybe) Get In Some HASS classes at MIT are traditionally full. Many of these have a CI-H/CI-HW designation. As a freshman, you will need to complete your first CI-H/CI-HW course by the end of spring, so get on the waitlist early. Unfortunately, first-year students are usually pretty low on the HASS priority list. You don’t have a major or concentration declared. You have lots of time ahead to take classes. So if you want to get a spot in an oversubscribed class, reach out to the instructor via email. Ask about the way she admits students to the class and indicate a strong interest in the subject. Show up on the first day of class. If more than one session of the class is offered, attend all of them. Stay on the waitlist even if all seems lost. Even if you dont get in your first semester, the next time the class is offered, you will have higher priority if youve been on the waitlist. Examples of popular CI-H classes are Course 11 education courses required for the teacher licensure program, 11.124 and 11.125. This spring, 35 students remained on the waiting list for 11.125 after the first 25 got in. IAP Opportunities and Grading The Pass/No Record grading policy extends to IAP, when you can take both electives and required classes for certain majors (like 8.223 for Physics). Some GIRs (like 8.01L or 18.02A) run over into the month of January, so plan your IAP activities accordingly. The credit limit for IAP is 12 units. Check out listings from all departments for exciting IAP options (like this one from the Edgerton Center). This year, I stumbled upon a Course 20 (Biological Engineering) class that was actually about making educational videos (incidentally, blogger Ceri R. 16 was the TA for the class). Best decision of winter! If you don’t want to remain on campus for the chilly January, you can apply to travel through Four Weeks for America (U.S. only) or Global Teaching Labs (eight possible non-U.S. destinations), paid for by MIT. Many other opportunities for service and travel exist. Start planning for IAP early, since some deadlines come as early as October. Lastly, IAP is when DEX (Departmental Exploration) happens. And Charm School. *** Ready to start your CourseRoad at MIT? Head over to the Catalog. And enjoy your first semester!!!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Why Is Positive Accounting Standards - 1162 Words
1. Introduction: This paper is a contribution made my Ross L. Watts and Jerold L. Zimmerman, titled as â€Å"Towards a Positive Theory of Determination of Accounting Standards†published by American Accounting Association. It explores the factors that have been influencing management’s attitudes in lobbying on accounting standards. It describes an attempt made by two in evolution and development of the Positive Accounting Theory by reasoning, factors like taxes, regulations, management compensation plans, book keeping cots, etc. The results concerned with the theory are consistent. 2. Summary of the Article To begin with it is important to understand why Positive accounting theory is incorporated by a Company. Commonly know as PAT, it†¦show more content†¦This theory has a precondition, which focuses on understanding the management incentives. The paper begins with introduction of the factors affecting management wealth which are listed as; i)Taxes, ii) Political costs, iii) Information Production Costs, and iv) Management Compensation Plans. Moving on, it gives description about various assumption that an organisation needs to consider before they start following the Positive Accounting Theory approach. Two main assumption the research paper is based on are: Individual act to maximise their own utility. (Article) This assumption is also used by Gordon (1964) in an early attempt to derive positive accounting theory. Gordon model and variants of it, were also tested know as the â€Å"smooth†literature. Management utility is a positive function of the expected compensation in future periods and decreases the firms reported earning. The Study 1978 corroborated the hypothesis that management is a determinant role in accounting standard and concretely pointed that firm size is the most consequential factor will influence managerial deportment, which has a paramount implicative insinuation for setting accounting standard. Furthermore, this conclusion of this paper convinced the feasibility of positive theory in accounting research which as a revolution in accounting research area. On the other hand, Study 1998 additionally gave us a paramount conclusion which
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder - 956 Words
Numerous studies have been conducted showing the daily lives of children with autism spectrum disorder, and the battles the parents have to face. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (2015), â€Å"Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to a group of complex neurodevelopment disorders characterized by repetitive and characteristic patterns of behavior and difficulties with social communication and interaction.†As someone who lives with an autistic child, the daily challenges faced are enormous. Autistic children tend to have specific daily routines, and if those daily routines are disrupted, it greatly upsets the child. The following scholarly journals all discuss the lives of autistic people along with a perspective of their parents. Autism in Vietnam To begin with, Vu Song Ha (2014) states that children with autism go through numerous hardships such as â€Å"lack of education, neglect and rejection, teasing and violence at school, social isolation, dependent living, and health problems†(p. 278). Parents also have shown higher physical and mental exhaustion than other parents (Ha, p. 278). Ha states that he created this study because he wanted to show a viewpoint of someone with autism in a low-income area instead of a high-income area where most studies are performed (p. 278). He also states that the number of people diagnosed with autism has been increasing since the 2000s (p. 279). There is an estimate that 52 per cent of children diagnosedShow MoreRelatedChildren With Autism Spectrum Disorder1502 Words  | 7 Pagesby a disorder that affects the very things we need to fit in to society. The ability to be able to fit in, communicate and behave in proper ways, allows us to function, work and survive in life. For ma ny children and adults, they live with a disorder that dictates these behaviors and language skills to be very different from the average American. These skills they are challenged with, make it very difficult to live independently. The disorder these individuals live with is called Autism SpectrumRead MoreChildren With Autism Spectrum Disorder1125 Words  | 5 PagesIn the last decade, the rate of autism has experienced a dramatic increase (Gerber 1). There used to be a speculation of an apparent correlation between the numbers of vaccines children receive and the increase of autism. A predominant controversy regarding vaccinations was whether or not one of the side effects of vaccines is Autism Spectrum Disorder. The probability of vaccines in children resulting in autism was challenged by various researchers from around the world has proven to be untrue (GerberRead MoreChildren With Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay2241 Words  | 9 PagesAbstract Siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder have received little Research attention historically, with most family studies focusing on either the child with the illness/disorder or the parents. More recently, research has identified that these children may need support in their own right, yet little published research is reported to inform this support. The aim of this systematic review was to identify the extent to which siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder facing psychosocialRead MoreChildren With Autism Spectrum Disorder993 Words  | 4 PagesNational Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Autism is defined as a spectrum disorder (ASD). It refers to a wide range of complex neurodevelopment conditions characterized by repetitive and distinctive patterns of behavior and difficulties with social skills, communication, and interaction. The symptoms start from early childhood and affect daily functioning. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC) approximates ASD’s prevalence as 1 in 68 children in the United States. The DiagnosticRead MoreChildren With Autism Spectrum Disorder1796 Words  | 8 PagesParenting Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Doctors diagnose one in sixty-eight children with Autism Spectrum Disorder every day. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a developmental disorder that affects children’s social skills, communication skills, and their behavior. The symptoms of ASD range from moderate to severe and vary from each child. Raising typical children is difficult, but raising children with disabilities adds to the stress of parenting. There is a strain on parents who have children withRead MoreChildren With Autism Spectrum Disorder949 Words  | 4 PagesAutism Spectrum Disorder is a frightening diagnosis for most families that can bring with it fears of an uncertain future. Support for children with autism and their families is essential because it isn t something that children will just grow out of. It is a life-long condition, but the right treatment, support and care can create a positive outcome for everyone concerned. Diagnosis Early diagnosis is the most important thing you can do to help your child, as it is the first step in understandingRead MoreChildren With Autism Spectrum Disorder869 Words  | 4 Pageswith children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD) experiences more stress than the typical family without a children with ASD. A previous research study by Baker-Ericzen, Brookman-Frazee Stahmer(2005, p. 194) supports this statement, â€Å"Both parents of children with ASD report higher levels of both parent and child related stress juxtaposed with parents of typically developing toddlers†. In order to comprehend the information of the study, one must understand what autism spectrum disorder is. AutismRead MoreChildren With Autism Spectrum Disorder1493 Words  | 6 Pagestwo million individuals are affected by autism in the United States and it is one of the fastest growing disorders but with very much research being put behind it. Autism can tend to be one of the most confusing and stressful disorders but yet it is still able to be coped with lots of patience. Imagine being put down or not given an opportunity deserved because of something that is out of one’s control, more specifically children with autism spectrum disorder. Parents have a huge role in preparingRead MoreChildren With Autism Spectrum Disorder2302 Words  | 10 Pagesof all children. Children play for many reasons including learning, exercise, stimulation, and for pure entertainment. They are learning and exploring the world around them by testing out ideas and just having fun playing wit h simple objects. However, like language, play is a skill that develops in stages. As a child gradually learns to understand the world around him or her, they begin to play and learn by engaging in exploratory and manipulative play. This is no different for children withRead MoreChildren With Autism Spectrum Disorder853 Words  | 4 Pageswise) (Green, S., Davis, C., Karshmer, E., Marsh, P., Straight, B, 2005) Autism spectrum disorder pose greater threat to the family because of many reasons like the child with autism spectrum disorder is likely to be accompanied by disruptive antisocial behaviour. Second for the parents the process of make an accurate diagnosis and obtaining treatment is often a frustrating experience. Third after the diagnoses of the disorder the proper access to the services available for the child and family is
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Brain-Computer Interfaces - 1221 Words
Until recently, our relationship with technology has been limited to physical and direct command. To get a device to take action, you must touch it, or speak to it. All of this could change with this new technology called, brain-computer interfaces. This amazing technology will not only revamp military applications, but most importantly help the medical community substantially. It brings the possibility of sound to the deaf, sight to the blind and movement to the physically challenged. However, with all great ideas there is a downside, there are many technical and ethical issues that people are not willing to risk. A brain-computer interface, also known as a BCI, is technology that allows a device to respond neural signals†¦show more content†¦With the help of Dr. Leigh Hochberg of Massachusetts General Hospital, Huthinson was able to manipulate a robotic arm to serve herself coffee (Castillo 1). This may sound like a simple task for a normally functional person, but for someone who has been paralyzed for fifteen years this is ground breaking. There have even been new studies of prosthetic limbs that have feeling. This would be perfect for someone whos limb may be absent, in their situation. The University of Chicago has been doing research on robotic limbs that can feel. They did experiments on monkeys since their sense of touch is so similar to humans. The first set of experiments focused on contact location, or sensing where the skin has been touched. The animals were trained to identify several patterns of physical contact with their fingers. Researchers then connected electrodes to areas of the brain corresponding to each finger and replaced physical touches with electrical stimuli delivered to the appropriate areas of the brain. The result: The animals responded the same way to artificial stimulation as they did to physical 275 contact. Next the researchers focused on the sensation of pressure. In this case, they developed an algorithm to generate the appropriate amount of electrical current to elicit a sensation of pressure. Again, theShow MoreRelatedFrom Toys to Practicality: Brain Computer Interface Technology900 Words  | 4 PagesFrom Toys to Practicality: Brain Computer Interface Technology The idea of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) technology is the subject of high interest for many people and families of the person experiencing considerable physical impairments, such as those with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). This knowledge is recognized by several monitors, such as BCI, Brain-Machine Interface (BMI), neuro-brain transmission and Direct Brain Interface (DBI). Conventional computer input and assistive technologyRead MoreBrain Computer Interface2272 Words  | 10 Pagestries to link the human brain with machines allowing humans to control their environment through their thoughts. Research on BCIs began in the 1970s, but it wasnt until the mid-1990s that the first working experimental implants in humans appeared. Following years of animal experimentation, early working implants in humans now exist, designed to restore damaged hearing, sight and movement. The common thread throughout the research is the remarkable cortical plasticity of the brain, which often adaptsRead MoreBrain Computer Interfaces1205 Words  | 5 PagesBrain-computer interfaces, or BCIs, are a developing technology that enable computers to interact directly with the brain for various purposes. They have various current applications, including prosthetic limbs, sight and hearing implants, diagnosis of medical conditions, and research into brain activity (Abdulkader, S 2015). In the future, more advanced forms may provide dramatic changes to communication, entertainment, exchange of knowledge and learning, and other aspects of society (Lance, B KerickRead MoreWhat Is A Brain Computer Interf ace?2728 Words  | 11 Pages BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE Tejaswi Palacharla University of Houston ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION What is a Brain Computer Interface? Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a communication channel between a brain and the computer. The BCI system transforms specific ‘thoughts’, into control signals. These are then converted to a computer readable form where the output is shown on the computer. This computer follows the instructions or thoughts given by the brain when a patient mentally visualizesRead MoreNeural Technology : Brain Computer Interface934 Words  | 4 Pagestechnology is a field of engineering that specializes in taking information that is present in the brain and translating it to a medium that can be understood by a wide range of people. One of the ways this is done is with systems that take information directly from the brain and enable control over a computerized system. These are referred to as brain computer interfaces, also known as BCIs. Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology decodes neural signals in real time to control external devices (Rouse)Read MoreBrain-Computer and Brain-M achine Interfaces Applied to the Medical Field1780 Words  | 7 PagesOver the years, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), or brain-machine interfaces (BMIs), have advanced into a technology that can be regularly be applied to the medical field. BCIs have been used for rehabilitative purposes, such as patients suffering from loss of speech and motor functions. Every year, approximately 795,000 people suffer a stroke. Out of these people, 600,000 of these are first attacks and 185,000 are recurrent attacks [9]. Stroke patients often suffer from paralysis and loss of speechRead MoreBrain Computer Interface, Vs. Chip Technological Benefits1597 Words  | 7 PagesBrain, Brain Computer Interface, V-chip, and V-chip Technological Benefits In the movie, South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, Dr. Vosknocker implants a v-chip into Cartman’s head. The doctor then tells Cartman to say â€Å"horsefucker†in which, when Cartman complies, he is shocked. In response to the pain, he unconsciously cries out â€Å"Goddamnit†in which he is shocked as well. (Parker, Stone, Brady, 1999) In order to follow the movie’s v-chip, we would have to place the v-chip in two places. The realRead MoreA Paper Presentation on Brain Controlled Car for Disabled Using Artificial Intelligence1667 Words  | 7 PagesA Paper Presentation on BRAIN CONTROLLED CAR FOR DISABLED USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Submitted on the event of Zeitgeist’09 At UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Read MoreEmotiv System Essay737 Words  | 3 Pagesof money in 2003, they decided to take a new challenge about processing brain signals. Then, together with Allan Snyder, a physicist and Neil Weste, a chip designer, they founded Emotiv Systems Inc.. The company built a Ramp;D lab to develop a workable system about brain signals process. Finally, the team had a breakthrough-successfully developed basic technology called EPOC, which can detect 30 mental states and process brain signals into software algorithms. Now, The company wants to launch thisRead MoreCommunication Technology Research Project : How It Works, And Its Application919 Words  | 4 Pagescouldn’t believe all the different ways it could be used for all different types of people and the lengths it could reach. The technology that I decided to write my paper on is called Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI). I will discuss what exactly BCI is, how it works, and its application in today’s world. Brain-computer interface is a technology that has been around for a while, however the technology has really taken off in recent years. The thing that makes this technology so dynamic is the fact that it
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